Friday, May 25, 2007

Sarah Spiteri visited Festival aan de Werf

Sarah Spiteri was invited to participate in the international programmers event ‘International Bravura’ of the Theatre at the Dwarfs that took plays in May (thursday 17- sunday 20 May 2007). This international event gathers theatre makers and producers from different countries and is an increasingly popular side event of the Festival of the Theatre at the Dwarfs at Utrecht.
During this international programmers event the theatre makers and- producers watch a selection of the international performances, meet with other producers and actors and discuss and comment on current themes.

During this festival Sarah Spiteri also met again with Annelore Scholten of the Department of International Affairs and together they attended different plays and performances, shared dinner and went on sight-seeing around Utrecht. Annelore Scholten jumped on the occasion to introduce the Dutch Art Library System of which she’s the director. Sarah Spiteri welcomed the idea of integrating an art library in the activities of the St. James Cavalier Centre for Creativity at Valletta. To be continued….