Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Davinia Galea, Malta Council for Culture and the Arts, in Utrecht

Community art in Overvecht, excavations in Leidsche Rijn and underneath Dom Square, Rosa Ensemble in the Leeuwenbergh, opera at the Oudegracht and much, much more. This gives a view of the busy programme Davinia Galea worked through when she was in Utrecht, half of September. The period was well chosen: Open Monumentsday op Saturday, Uitfeest- Start of the cultural season on Sunday and Fortress Month in September.

Gertrud van Dam, coordinator for the cultural exchanges between Utrecht and Malta, showed Davinia a variety of activities and venues. It gave Davinia a good view of the ambition and enthusiasm of every one involved. In between all kinds of excursions and performances Davinia met many people who are active in these fields. Among them Cees van Eijk, vice-mayor for Culture and Anneke Raven, vice-governor for Culture. Theo van Wijk, Foundation Initiative Dom Square 2013, took Davinia literaly underground and showed her a Roman wall. Saskia van Dockum gave a tour around the newly opened and state of the art Utrecht Archive. After four days and many, many other interesting meetings Davinia left Utrecht with a lot of inspiring ideas.