Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Interactive learning in cultural heritage

End of October the Ministry of Tourism and Culture organised a network meeting in the Maritime Museum for teachers at secondary schools and workers in cultural organisations. The subject was the meaning of cultural heritage and the challenges to develop a new public young public and a role in education for cultural heritage. Caldon Mercieca adressed to the City of Utrecht for a specialist in museum and education, and with success. The City of Utrecht is always happy to cooperate in these kinds of requests. Errol van de Werdt, former head of collection at Central Museum, therefore was one of the lecturers, along with Peter Jenkinson from London. After a general story by Liam Gauci, curator at the Maritime Museum, about hidden stories in quiet regular objects, it was Errols turn. With his lecture 'With different eyes, Different approaches and possibilities in the interpretation of cultural heritage and building narratives in a new era' Errol approached the theme from the perspective of museum professionals: how school based educators can contribute to Participatory and Interactive Learning. Errol gave good examples about the practice of Centraal Museum and other national and international Museum Studios. As a part of their visit to an exhibition visitors can practically work hands on with the theme of the exhibition, like sewing your own clothes after a fashion design exhibition. All theoretical and practical examples mentioned inspired the professionals to develop their own methods in the framework of Valletta 2018.